Video Help

Here are some great videos to help you get started and show you some great features in the 2Build a Profile software family.’

1. Websuite Set-up

This video is for new users and shows you how to:

-Set up your websuite (settings)
-Add classes and learners via a CTF file – RECOMMENDED option

2. Add Classes & Learners – This video shows you how to add classes and

learners for users who are unable to generate a CTF file.
-Non CTF method

3. Websuite set- up– for EXISTING USERS (already added classes on the device)

4. Reporting groups/creating cohorts

This video shows you how to create comparison groups such as EAL, free school meals, boys/ girls, etc.

5. Modify Classes and Learners

This video shows you how to change the names of classes, add/delete children, move learners between classes

6. Archive classes

This video shows you how to archive classes you no longer need on the device. This keeps all data available on the websuite for you to access at any time.

7. Modify Templates

This video shows you how to customise templates to include your school logo/ 1 observation per page etc

8. Pupil portfolio reports

This video explains how to create a pupil progress report

9. Framework Coverage Report

This video describes how to generate a framework coverage report from the websuite.

10. Pupil progress report

This video shows you how to generate a pupil progress report from the websuite.

11. Observations by email

This video explains how to set up ‘observations by email’, and email a photo to your websuite, from a PC

12. Assessment Setup

This video shows you how to set up the Assessment feature.

13. Assessment – Enter Judgements

This video explains how to enter your judgments and complete your assessments.

14. EYFS Assessment Reports

This video explains how the NEW Assessment Reports work and how it shows progress between assessments.

15. End of Term Procedure

This video shows you how to reset the data on your device and keep the App running smoothly.

16. Parent Share Setup

This video shows you how to set up your parent email address on your websuite.

17.  Parent Share – Sending reports & Family Submissions

This video explains how to send reports out to parents and how to use the Family Observations feature

18Websuite Observations

This video shows you how to upload videos & photographs onto your websuite to create new observations!