Observations by Email

You can email observations to the websuite from your device and PC! This includes…

    • Video
    • Photo’s

How does it work?

    • Take a photo or video
    • Pair your email address on the websuite
    • Email the file from your device or PC
    • View the file in ‘Browse experiences’

Please click HERE to view a setup video for ‘Observations by email’

Example: Video upload

1. Pair your email addresses by adding them on the websuite:

    • Go to ‘Account options’ then the ‘Account tab’
    • Enter your name and email and ‘Add account’

Once your email is added you will receive an email with a link to complete the email pairing.

Add your email in 'Account options', 'Accounts'

2. Take your video/ photo, and open it in the device gallery.

Select the ‘action’ icon in the bottom left corner

Select 'action' icon in the bottom corner


3. Select the ”mail’ option, and send to the email address: inbox@2buildaprofile.com. (Your email account will remember the address once you have written it once)

Select the mail option

If you are emailing from a PC, create a new email and upload the file as an attachment.

Put the child’s name in the email subject (this will send the video directly into the child’s portfolio), and any notes in the body of the email (you can add these later if you’re in a rush).

4. You can find the videos in the “Observations” area of the websuite (they have a blue play button)

If you didn’t enter a child’s name, the file will be stored in ‘All experiences not allocated to a class/learner’ (from the drop-down list)

Video's stored in 'Browse experiences'

5. Open the file to view the video, edit notes and add learners and objectives

Edit observations on the websuite