Edit Profiles on the App
Add Profile Pictures
- Tap Profiles
- Tap on the class name you would like to add profile pictures for so that it highlights in green
- Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
- Tap on a learner’s name
- Tap Edit under the profile icon
- Tap Browse
- Tap Take Photo, Photo Library, or Browse
- Tap Upload
Add New Learners
PLEASE NOTE: We strongly recommend that you edit all your classes and learners directly from the Web Suite to avoid any confusion or duplicate classes and learners.
- Tap Profiles
- Tap on the class name you would like to add a learner so that it highlights in green
- Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
- Tap Add + on the right-hand side
- Complete the learner’s details
- Tap Add in the bottom right-hand corner
TOP TIP: You will need to minimize your device keypad in order to see the Add button in the bottom left-hand corner
Edit Learners
PLEASE NOTE: We strongly recommend that you edit all your classes and learners directly from the Web Suite to avoid any confusion or duplicate classes and learners.
- Tap Profiles
- Tap on the class name so that it highlights in green
- Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
- Tap on the learner’s name
- Make any changes the learner’s details
- Tap Done in the top right-hand corner
Add new classes
- Tap Profiles
- Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
- TapAdd + on the left-hand side
- Complete the class details
- Tap Add in the bottom right-hand corner
TOP TIP: You will need to minimise your device keypad in order to see the Add button in the bottom left-hand corner
Add new groups
- Tap Profiles
- Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
- Tap Add + on the left-hand side
- Tap Group
- Select the class which you want the group to appear in from the dropdown box
- Complete the group details
- Tap Add in the bottom right-hand corner
TOP TIP: You will need to minimise your device keypad in order to see the Add button in the bottom left-hand corner