Classes and Learners

Edit Profiles on the App

Add Profile Pictures

    1. Tap Profiles
    2. Tap on the class name you would like to add profile pictures for so that it highlights in green
    3. Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
    4. Tap on a learner’s name
    5. Tap Edit under the profile icon
    6. Tap Browse 
    7. Tap Take Photo, Photo Library, or Browse
    8. Tap Upload

Add New Learners

PLEASE NOTE: We strongly recommend that you edit all your classes and learners directly from the Web Suite to avoid any confusion or duplicate classes and learners.

    1. Tap Profiles
    2. Tap on the class name you would like to add a learner so that it highlights in green
    3. Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
    4. Tap Add + on the right-hand side
    5. Complete the learner’s details
    6. Tap Add in the bottom right-hand corner

TOP TIP: You will need to minimize your device keypad in order to see the Add button in the bottom left-hand corner

Edit Learners

PLEASE NOTE: We strongly recommend that you edit all your classes and learners directly from the Web Suite to avoid any confusion or duplicate classes and learners.

    1. Tap Profiles
    2. Tap on the class name so that it highlights in green
    3. Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
    4. Tap on the learner’s name
    5. Make any changes the learner’s details
    6. Tap Done in the top right-hand corner

Add new classes

    1. Tap Profiles
    2. Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
    3. TapAdd + on the left-hand side
    4. Complete the class details
    5. Tap Add in the bottom right-hand corner

TOP TIP: You will need to minimise your device keypad in order to see the Add button in the bottom left-hand corner

Add new groups

    1. Tap Profiles
    2. Tap Edit in the top right-hand corner
    3. Tap Add + on the left-hand side
    4. Tap Group
    5. Select the class which you want the group to appear in from the dropdown box
    6. Complete the group details
    7. Tap Add in the bottom right-hand corner

TOP TIP: You will need to minimise your device keypad in order to see the Add button in the bottom left-hand corner